- CIR 3100 Control Valves
- Rotary On-Off Control ValvesAPPLICATIONS
- Dirty, viscous or unclean liquids
Fuel oils, gasoline, lube oils,fuel gases
Steam, superheated steam,hot gases
All waters including seawater
Solvents, ammonia, Halon, CO2
Air vacuum, inert gases, hydrogen,oxygen, helium
- • Heavy duty position switch(es)
• Manual override locking device
• Molded coils
• Gravity assist to fail position
• Terminal blocks
• External linkage cover
• Overload relay
• Seismic resisting construction
• Limited space mounting orientations
• Trip delay devices
• U.S. Navy shock & vibration resisting construction
• Materials traceability;
certification to MIL-I-45208
Weatherproof Watertight
FM Approved Explosion Proof
(Class I, Groups A, B, C or D;Class II, Groups E, F or G;Division 1 or 2)