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最後更新 : 01/15

:::首頁::: > 公司簡介

鍏儀科技有限公司成立於2004年,公司總部設於台灣台北市內湖科技園區;基於交通位置的優勢,南來北往,聯絡全台的客戶皆相當便利。 鍏儀代理世界知名品牌,如KAMMER、VALTEK、+GF+ Georg Fischer、Cash & Bailey、Klinger Schoneberg、Kempchen、Chemvalve、TAI MILANO、DONADON SDD、Bernard Actuator、Tranter Heat Exchanger、ORBINOX、NDV、Pekos、REGO、STRIKO
CRANE、Aloyco 、ELRO、KROMBACH、PSI、REVO、Triangle、W.T.A、Center Line、DEPA、Flowseal、Noz-Chek、Resistoflex、Saunders、Uni-Chek、Compac-Noz、Duo-Chek、Jenkins、ResistoPure、Stockham、XOMOX、Tufline、Pacific Valve
CIRCOR、Leslie Controls、R.G Laurence、Nicholson、Spence、CPC-Cryolab、Rockwood Swendeman ...等。其中包括:安全閥、減壓閥、球閥、鐵氟龍內襯蝶閥、塑料閥、呼吸閥、控制閥、手動閥、風門;以及相關產品,如:流量計、液位計和工業墊片等。搭配公司強力業務員多年的產業經驗,在產品的技術性與專業性上,都能滿足顧客在應用上的需要。 也因為業務人員在此產業中多年的經驗,不僅可以針對所需,提供最正確的產品以及最完善的售後服務;進而與顧客建立起良好的互動關係;只要顧客有任何特殊的需求,皆會主動尋求我們的協助。 鍏儀科技有限公司所有成員,皆以踏實的腳步,採用積極正向的態度來面對顧客的需求。秉持著顧客及服務至上的理念,鍏儀有信心也有能力在未來穩定發展。

Win-Hill Technology Co., Ltd is established since 2004. The headquarter locates in Taipei NeiHu Technology Park. Base on the location, we are able to communicate customers around the island.
We are well-known in the world of agent, such as Flowserve、KAMMER、VALTEK、+GF+ Georg Fischer、Cash & Bailey、Klinger Schoneberg、Kempchen、Chemvalve、TAI MILANO、DONADON SDD、Bernard Actuator、Tranter Heat Exchanger、ORBINOX、NDV、Pekos、REGO、STRIKO
CRANE、Aloyco 、ELRO、KROMBACH、PSI、REVO、Triangle、W.T.A、Center Line、DEPA、Flowseal、Noz-Chek、Resistoflex、Saunders、Uni-Chek、Compac-Noz、Duo-Chek、Jenkins、ResistoPure、Stockham、XOMOX、Tufline、Pacific Valve
CIRCOR、Leslie Controls、R.G Laurence、Nicholson、Spence、CPC-Cryolab、Rockwood Swendeman..., including: Safety Valves, Relief Valves, Ball Valves, Teflon Lined Butterfly Valves, Plastic Valves, Breather Valves, Control Valves and Manual Valves , Damper. Also on relevant products, such as: Flow Meter, Level Gauge,Industrial Gaskets and Piston pump. With our superior sales force, we could meet the needs of customers on both product technique and know-how.
With more than a decade experiences in the field, we could not only satisfy the requirement, but also the suitable products as well as the after-sale services. Furthermore, we have built up good relationship with our customers; whenever there is a special inquiry, they always seek for our professional knowledge.
All the staffs in Win-Hill always face the customers with positive and pragmatic attitude. With the idea to provide the best service to customers, Win-Hill believes we have the ability to expand the businesses in the future.
Looking forward the fruitful businesses with you.
Sincerely yours,
Win-Hill Technology Co., Ltd.
